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Jan 09, 2010 15:53

HELLO 2010!!
Did you have a good Christmas/New Year?
Mine was ok? Christmas Day kind of sucked since i woke up that morning feeling sick! And ended up staying in bed ALL day! Which really sucked, cause we had this thing all planed. We were going to live a scene from A CHRISTMAS STORY. Chinese food and then go see a movie at this good theater that has couches and chairs to sit in. But of course i had to get sick! And it only lasted that day, the day after i was fine! Santa that was not a good present, it felt more like a present from Jack Skeleton.
The things i liked about the holidays was being able to hang with friends home from college.
I went to see two movies with two different friends.
"Did you hear about the Morgen's?" with one friend which it was great hanging with her, but that movie SUCKED! Kind of a waste of money but at least we went to lunch before, so we ended up being able to talk (which we hadn't done since summer).
Then I got to see Sherlock Homles with Mello_Bello_91 Which was awesome. I don't think we've ever hung out before, even though we grew up together. So it was nice to get to do that. And of course i am now obsessed with Sherlock Homles! It was such a good movie, i have no idea what think critics were watching. Because what i was watching was freaking AWESOME. I will admit the story was a bit dry at times, but the real magic of this film was the two leads in this film. Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law! They were such great team, RDJ as Sherlock was Bloody Brilliant he was funny but serious, i love, love, love him! And Jude was a perfect Watson matching Wits with RDJ Sherlock. (side Note) The woman who is going to marry Watson needs some credit, seen she puts up AND encourages Watson to help Sherlock.
Since seeing this movie, and falling in love with Sherlock Homles, i decided to read the Advetures Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote. I got the books from my favorite library, and have been reading it. now i'm only on page 50 of a 748 page book, Volume 1. In all honesty they are very short stories, only 5 pages for each story. and as i read i am engrosed in these cases! Each case starts of with the victim's telling Holmes and Watson the problem, by the time they are done you can tell Holmes knows who did it, where, and why. though he makes sure by checking a few things out with Watson by his side, wondering what Holmes is observing. I learned that most of these cases the answer is so planly obvious. but it takes an observing mind like holmes to piece it all together. I'm enjoying all of these stories but i still have to finish this volume plus the two that follow about the same size.
Another book i read over the holiday's was WITCH AND WIZARD by James Patterson.
James is one of my favorite autors and one of the few male authors love reading. this book is pretty clear whats its about. Whit and Whisty are Brother and Sister. Who turn out to be what else...a Witch and Wizard. They of course don't know this until they are attack and captured by the NEW ORDER. THE ONE WHO IS THE ONE wants all kids who break rules and who are "different" to be taken and Executed. He thinks he can control Whit and Whisty, but as they grow into the powers the escape to find their parents who left them with only a Drumstick and a blank journal? Thanks mom and dad that's just what they need. 
This book is so good. i love this series as much as i love the Maximum ride series (which the new book comes out in march!) 
Well i hope 2010 is treating you well. This year better be freaking fantastsic, or else i'm kicking it's ass!
Some thing i can't wait for:
1.)Some Great books from (Rachel Cohn, Meg Cabot, Ally Carter, John Green&David Lethvain, etc) 
2.)Some (hopefully) fantastsic movies (Alice in Wonderland 3/5, Toy Story 3 6/18. Iron Man 2 5/7, Dear John 2/5, Eclipse 6/30!, Harry Potter and the deathly hollows PART 1 11/19.
3.)I'LL BE TURNING 20! I'll be TWO decades old! Where did the time go. (plus one more year and i can buy booze! though i'm not really a drinker)
4.) hopefully i'll aclompish something freaking fantastic like (Driver License, GED, Boyfriend(?), Be less shy. Etc.
That's all i can think of at the moment.
This past 19 years have been....complicated, depressing, enlightening, fun, hard, boring, heartbreaking, joyous. I have grown so much this past year, done stuff that surprised myself, reconnected with friends....
The lesson i learned this past year was leaning to have faith, not just in god *Which i'm still working on*, The people around me *friends and family*, Myself. But isn't that what faith is? It gets tested, hopefully coming out stronger.
Well i Hope You year will be awesome, and full of great things!
Have a good day.
More Later.

P,S sorry it took me FOREVER to post something, it's been very hectic.


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