For all of you out there who are old enough and registered to vote:
I don't give a damn who you vote for. Just get out there and be heard, and hope to some kind of heavenly body you picked the right person to do the job.
In other news...
There is this huge Christmas Expo going on at the World Trade Center this weekend - anyone under 14 can get in for free. If my auntie is going to it this year, I'm going to try to sneak in as an adolescent. But, unfortunately, my lupus will give me I'm going to see if I can drag my cousin with me...she's short enough to get away with being 14 >.>
That would be a fun outing for me - get me into the Christmas mood :3
I bet if Evan is reading this he'd be like "Heidi is a'ramblin..."
Speaking of Christmas...I'm curious to know what you people need.
I know Astra needs gift cards to feed her manga addiction, or a plane ticket to Massachusetts, but I need to know from my own friends what they need. I can feel the winter is going to suck this year, with oil prices for heating already at all-time highs and people are struggling to pay bills and put food on the table.
I mean, just as an example...if
sailorastro says "my kitties need food, but I need to save money to pay rent and my phone bill", I'll happily buy two weeks worth of canned and bagged kitty food - the only details I need are what flavors and brands they prefer.
Another example - if
evilwaluigi, Amanda, and Amanda's mom said they need toiletry supplies for the apartment, but they just paid all their bills and can't get them right away due to insufficient funds, I'd definitely oblige to get them the necessary supplies. I might need to purloin a ride from them, but that'd be the only hindrance.
My examples may seem little and maybe even like "those aren't huge contributions" - but it's the little things, I feel, that always count. Even a small amount of money to help pay for oil for heating helps a lot.
Helping is what I do, but even I might be needing help myself. It's weird.
I went grocery shopping the other day, and I was talking to one of my managers about how my disability checks were going to end their due course in two weeks (my last check will be next week as I type this). She asked me how much longer I was going to be out, and I said "Most likely until next year" - and she said she'd talk to our union rep and see if they could extend it. Of course, me being modest and not wanting to take it away from people who need it more than I do, I insisted it wouldn't be a problem since I had enough in the bank to cover expenses for doctor visits and hospital stays, but she insisted she'd at least ask if it was possible.
I'll even be brutally honest - I won't be surprised if I get picked for a Thanksgiving basket from the union. It just means I bake dozens of cookies for the meat department and for one of the managers for the whole year of 2009 to pay back the generousity. The union rep is one of the morning meat clerks, and he's a very sweet guy. I call him Uncle Bobby because he lets me and he likes my cookies, no matter how bad they come out :3
I also know the manager who's behind a lot of the charity union work, and people are hugely surprised when they find out who it is - Uncle Bobby told me to keep it a secret >.>
Point is, I'm going to feel really weird if I get picked - so I'm hoping they pick people who are struggling harder than me. Mum never has any trouble with getting Thanksgiving together. But, if I do get picked for it, I'll be inviting everyone to join me in the making and the feasting of Thanksgiving. No one would be without a job, trust me. I'd just hope for a peaceful, all-differences-put-aside dinner as we all fight over who gets to cook the main entree. (Answer =
shyyunachan or I will get a kidney shot with a spatula...I think?)
Unfortunately, the day after Thanksgiving I go for my 4th Cytoxin treatment. But at least the rest of my treatments are after major holidays. So, I want to make my holidays as happy and memorable as possible before I go in and be miserable.
Luckily, with these treatments, I haven't lost my hair - but now I have hair that's as moldable as
evilwaluigi's, so if anyone gets bored one day they can go nucking futs styling my hair with gel and hair spray - just be forewarned the products can't sit on my scalp. It all comes down to my kidneys ^^;;
Yeah, now I have to go wake my dad up. >.>