Oct 29, 2008 06:55
So, Heidi's awake at 7am and bored.
The newspapers haven't come to the house yet, I've already had half of my breakfast, it's not exactly time for me to take all my medicines, and no one, at least on the East Coast, is awake and online. As far as I know.
So, I might as well bore you with all the details and goings on coming up for me.
This Friday I go in town for my third Cytoxin treatment. My rheumatologist wants to continue the Cytoxn treatment and see if that was what caused the pneumonia or if it was from another medicine I took with it - which narrows it down to either the nausea medicine to keep me from puking heavily, or the bladder medicine they gave me to coat my stomach to keep me from puking so much. They think it was the bladder medicine since I didn't get it with my first Cytoxin treatment.
So, I'm going to be a miserable person from Halloween up until the end of next week. I didn't want to spend Halloween hooked up to an IV - I'd rather spend it at the Halloween party Amanda and Mikey are cooking up - but getting better is a priority.
It's weird...Harris, Paige, and Megglez are on average four days apart birthday-wise. Harris on the 24th, Paige the 28th, and Megglez on the 2nd of November. Then comes the Birthday Trio of Evan, Zeph and my siblings, from the 20th - 22nd, respectively. November has a lot of birthdays @_@
Then when Taylor comes home, we have to do something for him for his birthday/Christmakwanzakah. I don't even know if Taylor is Jewish anymore.
*sigh* @__@
I've been seeing the Christmas stuff early, and Halloween hasn't even shown up yet. Heather's been really upset about that. Right after Halloween, that's when most stores are going to be decked out full-blown. Some already are. The mall has pulled out the Christmas decorations and started setting up for the pictures with Santa.
This is the first year I will probably not be able to Goth out for Santa. Since I can't dye my hair anymore, any kind of makeup that has a liquid base/heavy mineral base will affect my kidneys, and I'll be around kiddies, that means Gothing out for Santa = death trap just waiting to happen. At least the dogs will get their picture with Santa. I just hope it's the GOOD Santa that likes the animals; the last Santa didn't like our four dogs. Just because the Schultz was a puppy and had a short attention span, Zelda got scared of the light toy, and poor Thelma was a nervous wreck (when the ol' girl was alive).
Even the thought Christmas this year doesn't seem so happy to me. It could be because I've been dealing with my lupus and lately my moods has been up and down, but I'm dealing with it as best as I can. If anything, what I might do is just give out Christmas cards to whomever wants one and a small amount of money to help with bills, groceries, or even for a hot cocoa for the morning commute. I know how some of you would like the hot cocoa for the coming winter :3
Speaking of winter...it's been COOOOOOOOOOOOOLD, and it's not even winter yet. I like the cold weather - it means making hot food all the time, roasting my tushie in front of the electrric fireplace with the dogs, and the best part - being wrapped up in blankets and fuzzy stuffs. And snow. I'm just waiting for the snow.
I'm done.