wow, hi journal.
whats been happening?
well i took my driving test finally...and failed. yay!
im taking it again somewhere else this friday though.
i got my wedding dress. wow! fucking amazing, its very classic and mature, the designer designed for the kennedy family, jackie O and stuff. i feel so good in it.
and the brides maid dresses, allie, erykah and my sister are gonna look hot! the dress that allie and erykah are gonna wear, Em will be in something else.
im getting married in 9 months. thats crazy. time is flying by. i knew it would.
ive been working a shit ton, but its good since i need the extra money for the holidays. i did my christmas shopping somewhat early for the first time ever. thats kind of a relief.
i wish i was getting out and doing more, like partying in the city and shit but there just never seems to be time. i cant wait till christmas vacation, everyone will be around and hanging out and getting silly.
we got our christmas tree and dan and i decorated it, i must say splendidly. i love the holidays sometimes. dans kinda of a scrooge though.
we built our ferret a castle made of cardboard boxes. its awesome and she loves it.
im growing out my hair, and so far success! its a dumb length but i havent chopped it off yet, im gonna really try this time. i want a ponytail.
alison is heading towards taking one nap instead of 2 during the day, the moment that because official i hope i get a riase. i deserve it. shes starting to say khaki and when you ask her what a dog says she makes little barking noises. its damn cute.
dan and i finally went to that record store in haverhill that we pass by all the time, welfare records. and its awesome. so glad to have found that place. get a little punk rock back in my domesticated life. haha.
man i just cant wait for a week off. itll be sooo good.