On the 13th this month we went to visit my horses and check on how they were doing. We took some pics then and I promised a picspam, so for 8 pictures of horses, of me & friends, click:
Phaedra & Tess, being scratched by me and scratching one another. My girls!
Emma and Malin, fighting to death. Lol, not really though. imthink they were arguing over Malin not wanting any pics taken of herself? (which is ridunkulous, cause she's gorgeous!)
the hippie being scratched and enjoooying it
Emma, in the mood for summer
summer is here and i can feel her so well
Emma goofing around
me: peace! my trademark sign. fyi, the pole was pretty high up in the air
love the effect for this pic. we tried getting malin to sit on the pole, which was over 2 meters/6 feet high, cause she's tall and lean and the pic would've been gorgeous, but she refused, arguing she'd fall to death. ps, that's my dad's head in the corner
hot air balloons
My plans for the coming week (my last one of vacation:
Monday: Going to
Tivoli in Copenhagen with the girls :D
Tuesday: Doctor's appointment + maybe buy new desktop/stationary computer
Wednesday + rest of the week: FUCK AAALL.
Actually, I might go up and visit my grandmother for a few days, but other than that, I have nothing planned. Which means that I'm going to go stir-fucking-crazy.
Like I said, I've pretty much decided on buying a new desktop/stationary computer to add to working with my current laptop, instead of an additional laptop. I'm having trouble deciding over screen size, though. What do you think is a good screen size? Is 19 too small? 23 too big? Right now I'm leaning towards 21-22 but I just don't know. Yes I do realise that this is a luxury-problem but I'm fucked for knowledge so help meee.
In honor of all the spoilers & awesomeness of SDCC, the GIF to finish off this post is dedicated to LOST and James BoDesmond: