For anyone who's interested -- the place I've been working at for the past two weeks, I quit from my job there today, giving a two week's resignation time. It's been hard work. 13-hour long days on standard, and to top that off, at some times the boss has been a real bitch; told us we can't do stuff right, and been otherwise ridiculous -- I've been
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But at my coming job, it'll be a bit more "normal" -- on average, 11 hour days, which may not sound like much of a difference, but it will be. So yay for that :D
And hey, school IS like a job. That's the good thing about work -- you don't get any homework, lol. So school plus a 16h/week job is actually pretty dandy of you IMO! What do you work with, when you're not in school? :)
Btw, I love your icon ;) If it said "music is my soul" instead, I so would've snatched it, lol!
And don't worry, it didn't sound like you were complaining at all. You must really love horses to be able to dedicate such a large portion of your life to them.
I do love horses, they've been a part of my life, well, haha, all of it actually. It's the love that keep me going!
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