Jan 22, 2005 07:30
im not even sure what to make of anything. shits such a puzzle. you know those 2000 peice
ones that are some how 3-d. but you didnt realize that until you had already had it half
done. or so you thought. there you go. you spent 7 hours on this. and its 3d. but you were
making it 2d. fuck! square one. i wasted it all. and known im not even sure what i wanted.
would i rather have a 2d puzzle cause thats what i thought i was building. but now im
staring down a 3d puzzle. im puzzled. im not sure what the future has in store for me.
maybe im drunk and rambling. maybe im not. maybe im drunkand a genious. rambling or
genious im fucking confused. and im not sure how the cards will fall. but dont you worry.
ill have a straight flush while tyou hold the 2 of clubs. that is if you try and fuck with
me. cause im down to roll hard!. and dont sweat it im the jack of all trades and ill flip
this shit upside down so fast that the chips land up in your face and what now! but really
i hope not. cause i gave up gamblin and im done gamin.