Oct 19, 2008 18:23

last week, i got the unpleasant surprise to receive a 182€ bill for a visa card i don't own anymore. how could this happen you'll tell me? a fraud on visa's side or the bank (Fortis), obviously. back in january, i gave up my visa classic for another one, which i'm paying back every month. papers were signed, the card destroyed by the bank. it wasn't supposed to work anymore (even checked) BUT by some kinda miracle someone used it on the internet last month. over 160€ on an italian holiday website and 20$ to the american red cross (wtf?). luckily those were the only payments. so i cancelled it, filled out papers, got a refund. how the fuck did that happen i'll probably never know.

on a better note, my raise was finally approved on friday. starting from Nov 1st, i'll get around + 100€ per month, a little more respect, and new responsabilities. i've also learned the classes i'm taking right now won't bring me nothing financially. great. 3 years for nothing. it's going ok so far, although finances scare me a bit. i suck at maths. i'm not gifted w/th numbers; once i start counting my brain freezes, pretty much like the main character in FEAR AND TREMBLING. oh well. as long as i don't take my clothes off and dance on desks during the test, it'll be fine.
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