Feb 08, 2005 21:35
but life is qetin sorta worse.. thinqsz wit my dad havent qotten better only worse... i feel like im th only person in this world that belivesz in myself and ppl like my father like 2 make stronq ppl like me feel like u cant do nethin ..but thatsz his problem nd i try not 2 make it mine but it still happensz.. its hard 2 keep my qradesz up and my friendshipsz at its best and thatsz y im loosinq friendsz bc they just dont understand bc there parentsz rnt like mine but i love my mom shes the only person who keeps me motivated and vice versa ...my sister was in the hospital all las week with stomach problemsz nd shes out now and goin 2 ny on thursday which really kills me inside jus knowing that in 3 daysz shes going 2 be bak at home a place where ur surrounded by ppl who love u and care about u .. a place called the breskysz house in long island ..shes going to take alot of picsz of our old house since its like 10 houses down from my cuzins and its suposed 2 snow so my sis is goin 2 try n go sleddinq down our old hill if the ppl rnt home shes gona like peak in threw windowsz sumthin that i would do anythin jus 2 have the opportunity to do.. my birthday jusz passed had alot of fun althouqh im not friendsz with most of those qrlsz anymore but who the heck caresz its there loss im not qona be on my handsz and knees for ppl who cant understand jack shit that r stupid as fuck and only care about them selvesz ppl r rele out 2 make me madd and it dusnt work theyy only end up getin madd i mean they expect me 2 live life all pessimistic and everythin bc they do im sory but that jus dont fly for me u dont deserve the honor of knowing u get 2 me and belive me if yu do yu wont ever know u qot 2 me ...ive been doinq alot of stupid shit lately ad i rele qota stoop and start beinq a qood qrl but i have 2 qo do my algebra hw nd i have a test 2m so i have 2 study although i kno im going 2 get an a bc i kno this stuff forwardsz and backwardsz bye bye now