and then life goes on....

Sep 07, 2004 17:50




Sunday--- So i sat around during the day then jordy called me around lets say 4ish and was like im coming over and we'll just get ready at your house. So indeed she came over and thats what we did. We got ready, and mind you we were looking H-O-T-T! muhaha. lol my mom was like you look like a druggy with those sun glasses on. I giggled. hehe. lol Then it was off to Mr. Longs house. We just hung out, played a video game or two, played in the guitar room. And then well that was all. Then We went to Southlake town center for a little bit. Then over to Jordan Thomas'. Which was cool. I met alot more of those keller football players (hot boys hot boys! lol) and had an extrememly intersting conversation with Brett Fields and realized that one of my "best friends" is a lying dirty slut! So now Brett is like my best friend and I love him, and hes delt with alot of shit from an unmentionable wanna be popular bitch! And im gona clean his room for him next weekend! hehe! Then we had to come back to my house for a minute so jordan could call her dad by 10, lol then we went back over to Jordans. Where like Lisa, and Jade(aawww jade! lol drink a little to much?) were there, but we said bye to Brett and Ryan and stuff then left... and went back over to Jordan Longs where more video games were played. Then about 12 me and J-Sparkman wound back at my house and it was time for bed!! Another great night to contribute to my fucking awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!

Then Mondaaaaay----

We woke up at like 12 ish(ahhh yayy for sleeping in) and my mo mwas like we're gona make y'all pancakes, but we decided to skip those and get sonic! lol then back over to Mr.Jordan Longs house for video games, movies, food. guitar playing, intercome fun, falling down the stair, swimming, window writing, melissa being a slave, getting kicked out of the JJJ club cuz my name starts with an m, cookies, running up and down stairs, jordan the boy-jordan the girl, swimming in boys boxers and t-shirt, Holly w/ her TERRIBLE breath your dad and his motorcycle, jacob being well umm jacob. Ladies can you please shut that door. Thats the first time ive not gotten grounded for not mowing the lawn. lol wow what a good freaking day! It lasted for ever and those are the best days! Jordan and Jordan i love yall! Jacob you too, and even though im not blessed with a J name... i love yall just the same and i know you love me! haha to much fun at the long residence! What a perfect way to finish off a WONDERFUL weekend!

Well thats where this one shall end. Thanks to everyone who made my weekend rockin! And roman im really sorry that your probably going to SRC i love you so much and i shall miss you in 2nd period! IT wont be the same romes! But hey... you learned a good lesson! I love you though... tons!

Jordan Ann Sparkman- best friends for life. nuff said.

That is all folk.... Melissa
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