Aug 01, 2004 17:42
Okay so im incredibly tired, and im going off of like 7 hours for the past 2 days, and i doubt thats healthy. But oh well. Alright ill update you for the past 3 daysish.
All of Friday
Okayyy, so friday morning i woke up at lovely 8 something and had to go to work @ satins playground. So i worked all day, and i was totally excited b/c i knew it was movie night, which ment it was team jjrr meeting night, and then the after party that Jamie, KJ, and myself were putting together. lol, if you can call that an after party. So i got off at like 3ish and weeent home. I SAW JORDY! man i missed her, she was in alabama for 2 weeks and thats a long time to be away from your best friend. But anyways then i came home and took a nap b/c i was pooped and i knew i had a long night ahead of me. At about 945ish Amanda Knight (my love) came and got me, and i drove to nrhoe for the rest of movie night. Then it was off to the TCC parking lot to gather our thoughts then head over to I-Hop for the weekly Team JJRR meeting. Its the last one of the summer that will be after a movie night. Whoa. lol then KJ was all like yah we're definitly doing "it." and if you dont know what "it" is let me take the time to explain to you. I was joking around the other night and was like yah ill just sleep infront of nrh2o so i can be there bright and early for the next day at work... lol she was like omg what a good idea, she got James into it, and the 3 of us decided friday after i-hop we would rough it and we were gona sleep in a tent in the nrh2o parking/field ish area. Sooo we came up with a list of stuff to bring and we were gona really do it (lol matches... haha wait no thats a girlscout camp out! lol that was so funny ) sooo at ihop we realized we needed a tent, well jared was like i have a tent yall can use. But none of the guys really believed we were gona do it.... and the ones that did said we would be out of that parking lot from being too scared and what not. Yah right that only made us more determined to do it. So me and Jen went and got jareds tent and his tasier. lol that was funny. He just wanted us to be a safe, what a sweet guy. Then we met kj and jamie back at i-hop, where wes, kellye baker, holly, andrea, and neil were still there. lol and they were drinking (hahahah poor wes was trashed!) then they ventured over to nrh2o with us cuz we were going to set up our damn tent. Well drunk wes and neil start putting it together... and about an hour later after KJ "marking the bathroom" on an orange cone, her taking off in her car cuz she saw a service car and thought it was a cop, and jen telling us her defintion of a "chigger" we decided there was no way in hell that the tent was going together. As wes described it there were 2 vaginas and no dick. lol *the ends wouldnt go together if u didnt catch that in his vulgur way of putting it* sooo we didnt have a tent and bla, we were all really tired and needed to go to bed b/c me, kj, and jamie had to get up early to go to work saturday. So its like 3 in the morning- and kellye bowland(god so many kellyes) shows up and hes like well hell i have a tent lets just go to my house. So me, kellye baker, KJ, jamie, kellye bowland, jen, andrea, holly, and wes go to no where and back to get to kellyes. So we get there and this boy has the largest back yard ive ever seen lol and we find these lawn chairs. And wow that was crazy too- ppl were being threatend and lol all kinds of stuff. Wes was even more then piss drunk at this time. Well i finally fall asleep on a very uncomfy lawn chair then an hour later im woken up by KJ (and i told her i hoped she got hit by a car... lol im sorry i love you it was just sleep talk! haha) and she was like we're going to sleep at kellye bakers... man i was so confused! haha so drunk kellye baker leads us back to his house and me kj, and jamie are really pooped by this time. So we get back to keller and we get to his house and hop into his itty bitty bed. I had to sleep on a lumpy bed in between KJ and jamie. Arent ya jelouse! i know i know you are. haha j.k, lol and mr.baker, well he started on the bed- then moved to the chair, then ended up on the floor! lol how interesting. Then we woke up 3 hours later and had to get ready to go to work.... so we did. lol Now onto saturday.....
The Saturday From Hell....
okay so we wake up and go to nrhoe tired as fuck. Then i had all kinds of drama at work. Our lead never showed up so cameron was lead for the day... which was a little intersting but oh well. Its amazing how a few keys and a radio can send some people on a power trip. I also just want to state that I HATE WHEN OUR LEADS SIT ON THEIR ASSES AND WATCH US! yes i respect the fact that their my bosses and i do what they say, but when they do nothing ,and we end up doing their jobs, its beyond annoying! in fact it drives me insane when im outside and its beyond busy and they just stand there and stare and dont help check bags or anything, they dont clean, dont take tickets. They sit and watch. I really dont remember that being in their job descriptions. Or when they go into ticket booth to "check on us" and they end up sitting there for 30 minutes. Yah that really does drive me insane. You wanted the god damn job so do it! Okay anyways enough of that, so we had 3 openers. Yah it was crazy as hell. Ticket booth- busiest day ever yesterday... i dont remember sitting once until my break, that im suprised i even got! Then i cashed down, and i was out fast as lighting! lol i also got yelled at at work yesterday by some guy who was dis-pleased with his cost, and when i tried to explain to him that i was sorry someone else didnt do their job correctly he yelled and told me "not to explain it to him just to give him his fucking tickets" so i definitly felt like crying, i was tired & pmsing... thats a deadly combination. So i finally got off and WENT HOME! Then i took a nap, wow what a good nap and one that was definitly needed. Then i got yelled at cuz i was suppose to go to the airport with my aunt to get my grandma who btw is staying here till the 19th of august. HOLY SHIT SPANKY! im gona die, i love her, but she is kinda weird and its hard to put up with her for more then ehhh lets say 3 days. lol Then her and my aunt got back to my house and we went to chilis. Man it was so good- i had a craving for it so it definitly hit the spot! YUM! it made me kinda sad though while we were there cuz my grandma was having some sort of an attack and she was all sweaty and yah. Its kinda sad to say this but i think shes going slowly. Shes has like15 back surgerys, a brain tumor, a broken hip, her skin is thining so she bleeds extremely easilyi think her time is coming. Shes only 61ish but shes not in the best health. I dont know what ill do when her time does come. Shes the one whos always been there! Never once did my grandma turn her back on me. When i couldnt stand living with my mom any more and living with my dad and step-mother just wasnt an option for me, my grandma let me and was there until i had the strength and will to come back to texas. Ill never forget all of the things shes ever done for me. And even though she can drive me crazy, my grandma is one of those people who i believe was sent from God. Shes so strong and amazing and i love her. Okay enough of that.
I also saw Chance at chilis. Lol which i thought was weird, and i called johnny and he was with randy and they were all like blllaaa! which kind of made me mad cuz i really jsut want them to act mature about the whole "or deal".
And today....
Well i probably didnt go to bed early enough last night like i should have b/c i was on the phone with Johnny (<3) untill 1, which was stupid. But thats okay. But i woke up once again bright and early to go to workkkk. AHH i hate that place. And today was yet another stresfull day. But thats okay me and ashley had a good time making fun of the none english speaking customers. hahhahah i guess you had to be there but God was it hilarious! Then i accidently said "energency" on the radio... totall accident! But thats a huge- no-no- at nrh2o, so i got yelled at for that for a bout ehhh 15 minutesish. Then we cashed down at like 3 and we got to clean the front gate(me and ash) it was soooo incredibly hot. But yah, we got off then brittany and jordo were at nrh2o cuz i gave them free tickets were there to get me, and i came home. And now im sitting here writing this hella long entry! I will make you the next person of the day if you can prove to me you read this entire journal entry. Because i will be extremely impressed that you had that much interest in my life! lol
Well tonight is the karoke party for nrh2o workin kids and im so tired, but TEAM JJRR (minus one r) has an act and im totally stoked to see it. Lol Its gona be fun.... maybe. lol Tonight is kinda my last night of summer since tomorrow night i wont be doing anything but sleeping since gay ol' school starts on TUESDAY! yes that right, im officially a junior on tuesday! And as much as i dont want to go back to school, i do, b/c then its over and im a senior! WOW i cant wait. Its probably bad that im already getting senioridis... but oh well, i cant wait to get out of here! Its scary to think that in 2 years, thats it, im on my own. Thats really freaky to think about it. And 2 years really isnt that long from now. I remember when i was little i couldnt wait to go to highschool, i thought it was gona be the best thing ever- and even with its ups and downs and drama, i wish i was a little kid again. Being grown up just isnt half as fun. This year is definitly gona be interesting, especially changing the group of people i hang out with and stuff. I think i will be getting the cold shoulder/ death look from the cheerleaders since i quit and joined drill team. But oh well, i love my drill team girls and this year is gona be so much better then last. If the cheerleaders didnt have their heads so far up their asses i wouldnt have a problem and would still be one of them. I really miss cheering but i dont miss cheering at the Ridge at all. Its not worth all of the pain and agony that comes along with those drama filled bitches! wow ive never acctualy said that before- and im glad i did. Because its true. For the most part they all share one brain, and im glad im finally doing something that requires neurons. That sounds bitchy, but oh well- most of you dont know these girls.
Tomorrows entry will be kinda long too, ill probably do an over-view of summer. And even though i havent done a whole lot this summer, so much as happend. Thats like an oxymoron but oh well, its so true. However one thing that has made this summer distinct from others is yes i wont lie Johnny. It was definitly fate that we met, and well hilarious too. I will never forget that outfit. lol, this past month has just been awesome. I was all sad and crap at the begining of summer and now im sooo happy. Beyond happy. Im so thankful i have a good caring boyfriend like him. And even though its gonna be really tough to make this work during the school year i know we will. Wow im sucha sap, and hes probably gona be mad i wrote a bout that, but oh well i wanted everyone to know hes awesome and hes mine- so back off bitches! lol juuuust kidding .
Alright the person of the day... man this is a toughy- i havent really been in interaction with people today.... so uhh h we're gona go with.... KJ! lol just because she cracked me up this morning with her hyperness and her sugar rush with her two donuts! the other night was unforgetable! i love you and your so awesome! Your also a very good friend and i respect how nice you are to people, no matter who it is! i love you, you chigger! hahahhaah <3
Alrighty, well this is definitly beyond L OOOOOOOOOOOOOO NG! so im gona go take a nap then get ready for tonight. Its gona be hilarious! So ill see all of you there! i love you guys.
Oh yah and since im sure you've forgetten by now b/c this thing was so fucking long- post a comment if you really did read this entire thing and prove to me you read it and not only will i be impressed, ill throw in a prize! muahhahah i love you oodles and oodles!