May 18, 2005 07:29
I headed over to Lees last night...First time in awhile that Ive been there, I visited Martin and gave him back the book I used for my english ISU, which he forgot I had, we played this Samuari (sp?) game on was pretty good, other then the bottom screen is shitty! SHATTY!, with teh words and the smallness and the unfairness....but all in all it was good I twas nice to hang with mr.martin again.
I then left, and phoned Mal, and her and others were walking down Rideau, so we met up, and I drove them back home and we hung out for awhile, mal and nancy left, I watched Oblongs, and then Jason came by, and we hung for a bit, it was kewl seeing him again....He seems different from the last time Ive seen him, I dunno what it is, maybe cuz he was sober..and I wasnt *ponders* but it was a awesome night
alot better then sitting at home, doing math, or something! *grins*