Dec 02, 2006 01:10
I picked up shannon then brittany and molly.
we jammed and saw greg and other non-relative people.
I got free burger king COMPLETELY.
and Im mad happy yo.
New Hamp tomorrowwww what what
dancing forever first then jetting to accompany miss katie at her catillion
which is not a 'coming of age party rich people have', which is what brittany thought.
its like a winter ball, NH style.
the end of lunch today was like highlight of my week
brittany "amanda she was just mimicing your dancing"
me "oh yeah?"
me *waves and smiles all big* " hi sweety got soemthing to say? "
... more wannabe dirty stares thrown my way.
it was great. i turned the corner and fell to the floor laughing.
you shouldve seen it.
probably the only time you couldve stepped on me or something, i was so deep in laughter.
okay so im gonna downsize the excitement im feeling right now,
but i have a lunchdate in the cafeteria monday with the cutest boy ever.\