Standing back in a crowd looking in and I see so many beautiful people.
I love to go to Panama Bay and read the list of things on their wall. Wise Words. (ex. Stop worrying about who's right and start worrying about what's right.) I wish they sold a book with them all I would buy it. :-p
School is getting so old I do not want to do my homework I do not want to go to class and I do not understand the reason for learning half of what we are being taught. LAME
Thinking about selling my car. I would like something that was more me. Suggestions? I have to talk to my uncle and save some more money before I get to serious.
I won't lie, it hurts but I'm better then this.
Aww, I love the sun this weekend was so gorgeous! Excited for the summer, like woah.
Highlights: John G rolling out of my car while it's moving! Mad Cow-Bad Town?! Chattin' it up with Ben. My Grannie loosing her car in the parking lot.