i finally uploaded my new pics 2 photobuckettt off tyler n me.. and sam n mee-- i had the best weekend w/ the two of emm... here are somee silllyy piccturos! commentt! <3
two cool kids-- one big skii jacket
im the scary pillow on ur head bad guy! boogiieeee wooggiee wogggiee!
so gheettooo
peace up a-town down
tyler is the love of my life!! i had sooo muchh fun!
tyler just looveess <3 being veeted! haha
sam and his girlfriend darthvater
sam nn mee-- even though u cant see my face lol the rest speek for themselves lol
sam's booottyy! lol
i tried to bee creative and put my head upside down
sammys ear
...i started to get bored
haha- oh god... there are more.. but i think the rest ofthe world might b a little bored.. and freaked out by how much of no life we have.. lol- i <3 it! haha grreatt timees sam!
well yuppp..i absolutely adore sam n tylerr-- hahah this shows u a lil bit of what we do in our spare time! haha