Summer is finally here!

May 28, 2005 11:15

Yahhhh! Summer time has offically started! Wooo i am sooo excited! Well thursady night i went home with bri and we played...then we went to princess's house and we played some more....o yeah and me britt jess and bri went on a walk in the river when it was low tide and like they all cut thier feet pretty bad but i didnt! Mwahhahha!! o yeeah then we saw the haunted house and I know no one lives there!! Because it is non-liveable... anyways so then we went back to brianas and we were gonna watch white noise but we couldnt find it so we started watching the grudge but i fell asleep like 10 minutes into it yeah well anyways ....then the cat was yelling all night! omg! and then i had to get up at 6 oclock in the freaking morning because i had a dentist apointment sooo o yeah then me bri jess and britt went to the bradon mall and shopped all day! i got this really cute tote from hollister and this cute shirt from abecrombie and it was soo awesome! o yeah and we went to the bulid-a-bear workshop to make britts cousin a bear and it was soo cute in there! then we went to Chedders this really sweet reasaranut and this guy made us sing happy birthday to his was really weird..yeah then we went back to bris house and then to jessie's then i had to go to this grad party and it was pretty sweet! i got to see my "other sister courtney
! i love her! and then at like freaking midnight we went home and i was like sleep walking to my bed because i had about 3 hours of sleep this whole time! and today i am staying home and resting! thank the lord hallelujah!! ok well i need to eat somehting and i need to sleep so i will chat later!
party hardy all summer long!

o yeah!! and by the way i hear-by state that i am now duchess!
duchess hannah
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