dear god ive done it again.... a survey!- TWICE

Jul 10, 2006 22:34

1. are you missing someone right now?: yeah
2. are you happy: i dislike theword. i prefer content
3. are you talking to anyone right now: not at the moment
4. are you bored: not particularly
5. are you german: Nope
6. are you irish: not enough to really say i am
7. are you french: nope
8. are you Italian: macedonian

9. are your parents still married: partly

10. do you like someone right now: i love someone

1. television show: cartoon network shows and dane cook's tourgasm
2. flower: i like sunflowers and dead roses. which isironic i guess since one is the antithesis of the other
3. color: aquamarine/ magenta
4. sport:baby punching
5. mall: none
6. music: the kinda that goes LA ALALALALALALALALA
7. food: ice cream probably
8. season:fall
9. animal:unicorn/ wombat
10. state: of mind

1. hometown: Phoenix, AZ
2. hair color: Brown-ish
4. hair style: the everso popular " i dont brush my hair" w/ tiny pig tails...
5. eye color: ick brown
6. shoe size: more than my height
7. mood: loquacious.... actually i forget what that means
8. orientation: just ask arsenic
9. available? hell naw im VIP only
10. lefty/righty: Right

1. have you ever been in love:

2. do you believe in love: yes.

3. why did your last relationship fail: i wasnt indie enough for him
4. have you ever been heartbroken: Yes
5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: no
6. have you ever fallen for your best friend: in a wierd way kinda of but not really he was just my best guy friend
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Yes
8. are you afraid of commitment: not starting it

9. have you ever kissed someone you liked: Yes..
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: no

1. love or lust: love
2. hard liquor or beer:SoCo.... now
3. night or day: night.
4. one night stands or relationships: how about one that turns into the other
5. television or internet: hmmmmm
6. pepsi or coke: water

7. wild night out or romantic night in: ha i like this answer so i second it wild night in.

8. colored pictures or black and white pictures: sepia!
9. phone or in person: Person
10. aim or myspace: aim

1. ever been caught sneaking out: Yeah
2. ever skinny dipped:no
3. ever done something you regret: yes
4. ever bungee jumped: not yet
5. ever been on a house boat: no
6. ever finished an entire jaw breaker: no
7. ever wanted someone so badly it hurt: yes
8. ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: yes...but im grown so what could they do
9. ever danced in the rain?: Always
10. ever had a hang over?: once.


Okay so heres the deal. you look it over and see how many of these things you have done, BUT you have to add up the money amount along the way, then post the amount that you are as the title of the bulletin such as "$15" or "im worth $64" or some shit like that.

if heres the money value if you have ever done any of the following:

had sex-- $20
went past first base-- $20
only went to first base-- $2
smoked-- $12
got drunk-- $21
went skinny dipping-- $10
kissed someone of the opposite sex-- $15
had more than one bf/gf at the same time-- $3
cheated-- $2
fell asleep in class-- $0.50
cheated on a quiz-- $5
been expelled-- $1
been in a fist fight-- $2
done oral-- $18
got oral-- $10
prank called the cops-- $1
stole something-- $10
done drugs-- $12
dyed your hair-- $10
done something with someone older-- $2
went out with someone OVER 18 if your under 18-- $3
ate a whole thing of oreos-- $1
cried yourself to sleep-- $5
said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $2
been in love-- $2
got caught doing something that you shouldnt have been doin-- $7
went streaking-- $10
got arrested-- $1
madeout with someone at the movies-- $6
peed in the pool-- $8
played spin the bottle-- $5
done something you regret-- $5
had sex with more than one person-- $9
been to NYC drunk or stoned-- $8
owned your own car-- $10
had a job for more than 2 months-- $4

in the words of voilent femmes ADD IT UP

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