Nov 16, 2004 20:34
have you ever met or known someone that you just want to walk up to, shake the hell out of & then ask them exactly what the hell is going on in their stupid little heads?
well i have.
and i am currently getting fucked over royally by this specific person. i better not name names b/c they might get mad. of course i really don't give a super duper flying fuck if they do, b/c i'm pretty mad myself, and i think that anyone else would be given the situation.
i put this person (at time was best friend) on my cell phone family plan b/c she didn't have any credit to get herself one. suddenly i've changed to her disliking and i am now a "psycho path". therefore, she refuses to return my cell phone and pay me for last month's bill and to have the phone line terminated. i go to the company & have her line suspended b/c of that and i get in this month's bill & she used 800+ min more than we even have!!! WHAT?!?! everytime i try to talk to her about it, she flips me off & ignores me & runs off to her car & locks the door like i'm going to try to jump in it w/ her. (oh yeah- the car she drives just so happens to be my 1st car, i helped her buy it from my parents b/c her car was a death mobile) she then tells people that i'm crazy & that i won't leave her alone. jesus christ, anyone else would be stalking her by now in order to get the money owed to them.
i swear, the mentality of some people just boggles my mind.