HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! (a day late)
yep... this kid's FiNAllY 19. it was so exciting, but u know i have to admit that being 19 feels alot like being 18, minus all the excitement of being just legal.
i went to supper @ outback w/ my parents & lil sis. that was... well... it was.... you know when i find the exact word that i'm looking for i'll let ya know. anyhow... daddy now knows about karis. the convo went something like this:
- mom: "u know, i think that u & karis should wait to go to florida this weekend"
- daddy: "huh? wait, what? who's karis? & who the hell's goin to florida?"
- me: "karis is my boyfriend. and he's taking me to florida for my birthday."
- daddy: "mmm hmmm. so it's just the 2 of ya'll?"
- me: "yep."
- daddy: "what's this boy do? does he have a job?"
- me: "well, daddy, he's got 2 jobs. he works construction during the day & at nite he works at tommy's, just like goosey. & all our other friends."
- daddy: "mmmm. is he in school?"
- me: "nope. he's taking the semester off just like me & my some of my other friends."
- daddy: "mmmm."
- me: " u know what else? he plays guitar in a rock band and has shoulder length blonde hair."
- daddy: "ahhh... well... that sound like a great thing for your resume'. well, i guess i should just be happy that you're finally dating again."
yep... welcome to my hitler reincarnate father. i thought it was funny, actually. it pisses him off... real bad & the whole time i'm just smiling & laughing. it's actually great. wonderful in fact. i'm a sick sick person... or i could just be normal- who knows. i'm actually waiting for the day that daddy & karis get to meet. face to face. shake hands & everything. it'll be wonderful. i'll giggle & my mom will bring my daddy into a back room & threaten him if he does not act properly. heh- daddy always told me not to bring home any guy who:
- is pierced up
- is tattooed up
- drives a motorcycle
those were the 3 main things... karis meets those qualifications.... hehehee. daddy's issue is that, well, i have no freakin clue as to what his issue is. whatever
me & karis are having to postpone our trip to FL till next weekend. :( thank you TS Bonnie. i've been so excited about that trip & all of a sudden here's a TS out in the gulf that just happens to be planning her own trip to FL. i guess ole bonnie needed a tan, too.
well.... i've gotta go pick up the goose from work. i'll try to update more often.
peace out.