Aug 28, 2005 00:29
i'm sad. mostly because it seemed things were finally starting to come together. maybe it's cause everyone's been sad about people leaving so everyone's been happier. but tomorrow, or i guess today, i'm off to nyc. whenever i tell people that they ask me if i'm really a city person. i don't think so, but i hope i'll become one. i've had a few mental breakdowns today, mostly over packing and having too much to do, but at random moments i'll feel my eyes water, i'll put something in front of my face, and i'll try to contain myself before anyone can see. for the most part, i've been successful. i'll miss the random people that i'm not friends with but manage to see everywhere. i'll miss the creperie, and annas, and our midnight drives through brookline/boston, looking for pretty parks but finding them all far too shady. obviously, i'll miss mes amies most of all. the people i have a past with, and memories with, who i've watched change over the years i've been here. the people i can say your mom, with bacon, in the alleyway, in bed to without so much as a blink in return. those who know who georgia is, what a red herring is, and where to find a hot rod. who know that being a fat kid is the only option. they know about the whj fund, the flower on the doorstep, and other random moments i've shared with them. i'll miss those moments even more than i'll miss them. i love u guys. now, time to take my "nap" before i leave in a few hours. see you all in a few months!