Aug 09, 2004 21:54
i have so many entrys in this journal. i think pretty soon im gonna print them all and staple them together and hide them in a box in my closet. that way ill pull them out in college and rewflect on the memories. that would give me such a good feeling. espeacially if i was at a hard time in my life. i have posted so many entrys that i was in pure joy while writing. so this post goes out to you older more mature travis.
last night i was so tired and just not in the mood to fiund a ride to the bonfire. and then i taliked to ronnee and she said shed come pick me up. i love her. shes the best. she picked us up and we headed down to the beach. i called for directions and the bonfire had already got rolled. majorly gay. so we cruzed el cajon for awhile. nothing was happening cause it was a sunday night. we picked up chelsey. whatever i said in my recent posts about liking her. fuck that man. i guess i just hadnt spent enough time with her. but back to the fun, we went back to ronnees and hiung out with some pretty sick older guys. they stole the wrong kinda skittles and were taking them. we went to valerios later that night and got to orders of carne asada fries. those thngs are so bomb. i couldnt get through even half of my fries. someone else ate them. i got a ride back at like 2 and got caught by my parents in the morning. i forgot to put in my screen. so now im fucked. i wont be able to go out at night for the rest of summer. so if anyone wants to be gay with me and hang out in the day. let me know
last night in ronnee's car me and john sat in the back. when your really drunk roll down the window halfway and rest your head on it. the wind in your face makes your whole body feel like its getting massaged. so effing good people. just remember that