Jul 24, 2008 14:34
So... 2 things to say really.
#1: I'm entertaining the idea of doing prompting, in some shape or form. I don't have a specific OTP, but currently, anything MCR related just irks me. I can listen to their music and stuff, but the Frerard/Frikey I'm writing, that's on hiatus. Don't get me wrong, I still read several fics, both here and on Mibba, but... idk, My Chem aren't my favourite band anymore.
What am I reading in the way of slash currently? A helluva lot of Rydon, Joncer and Gabilliam, some Rywalk and Jondon, occasional Rockett. So I'd be up for writing that sort of thing. Not so fond of Brencer, or whatever it's called when Spencer and Brendon get it on. I have nothing against it, I'm just fonder of other pairings. I'll write it though, I like to challenge myself.
In the way of prompting, I'd want a few words: things you want included, scene setters, moods or how you want the characters to act.
I'm gonna say it straight out so no-one gets disappointed...
I do not write: mpreg, paedophilia, or rape fics.
I have not yet written a genderswap, so I'd be apprehensive with that.
Anything else, I'm sure I'll do without a problem.
#2: Anyone know any good fics?
The pairings I'd want would be Rydon, Gabilliam, a7x or possibly Joncer, Rywalk or Rockett.
Hah, I just realised how many names there are... It sorta made me laugh too.
Thanks anywayssss.