Fic: The Kits Are All Right (X-Men: First Class / Sherlock / Doctor Who, G)

Feb 14, 2012 00:41

title: The Kits Are All Right
author: ilovetakahana
word count: approx. 900
fandoms: X-Men: First Class [movieverse], Sherlock [2010 BBC series], Doctor Who
pairings: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Amy Pond/Rory Williams
rating: G
notes: Fifth of a set of five ficlets written for good friends and amazing enablers, as gifts for February 14. This one is for tybalt1701, who asked me to continue the tales of the shenanigans at F Cat Cafe.
I apologize for the awful pun of the title, and please do not brickbat me for that ending XD

Also archived at


A familiar voice. His companion’s voice.

The Siamese wakes up immediately, almost upsets his basket as he bounds out, tail lashing. He smells distress; he smells fear - thick and heavy, all around him, and he can tell all the others are awake and alert.

He goes to Charles - who is anxiously hovering over the basket containing the tortoiseshell kittens.

There are only five kittens in the basket.

/Which one of them is missing?/

Charles’s ears flatten against his head. /Raven./

Erik hisses. /How did she even get out? You watch the human female when she leaves us for the night..../

Flash of movement in Erik’s vision. /He did not, not tonight./ The little Havana Brown, John, smells both determined and unhappy. /I’m afraid I had to call him away. My companion needed help./

Erik hisses again and goes to the other basket, where he finds the skittish, lanky Abyssinian: Sherlock, a tight curl of fur and tail in his basket, the lines of him screaming pain. /What’s wrong with you./

/Bad food./ Sherlock bares his teeth, briefly, and puts his paws over his nose.

Erik slinks back to a fretting Charles, seizes him gently by the scruff of his neck. /I’ll go look for her./

/Don’t go alone. Take Rory with you./

Erik glances at the two bobtailed moggies. Amy is the slightly larger one, and she’s in the basket with the remaining kittens, standing guard over them; Rory is the slightly smaller one, the one with the scar that runs down his flank. /I’d like to take you both, actually./

/I can help Charles./ And as if to prove the point, Amy lashes out with a paw, and one of the kittens screeches and hisses resentfully at her as she pins his tail down. /I’m good with them./

/If you leave him alone for one second I will skin you./

Amy bares her teeth at him, and then bats at Rory with a free paw. /You look after him./

Erik watches Rory lean in and lick Amy’s nose. /Or else you will all have our heads, I know, I know./

Pressure at Erik’s side, and a familiar warmth. Charles is there, tail lashing. /I’d go with you if I could./

/I like it when you hunt with me./ Erik twines his tail into Charles’s, stilling him for a moment. /But you stay here, look after the kittens, look after Sherlock./

/I will./

Erik gathers Rory up with a hiss and they’re almost at the door, trying to work around the cat flap - when there’s a sharp scent, wildly different, and Rory hisses loudly, back arched, claws out. /Danger!/

/Predator! Dog!/ Erik yowls a warning, and he hears the others moving behind them, aggression-scent heavy on the air.

When the dog barks both he and Rory jerk back. All his fur is standing up, and he’s ready to attack at any moment.


Erik almost ignores the warning, but then he manages to catch a familiar scent and he shies away from the door.

Rory growls and noses at the bundle of fur being pushed in to them. /But you’re from here. I know you. Charles’s kitten./

Erik sniffs suspiciously - but it is Raven, and while she smells of dog, she also smells safe, unharmed. He holds her down and checks her over carefully. /What happened to you?/

A tiny, unhappy yowl. /Pushed out. Bad human. Not human female. Dog helped./

Rory meows quietly. /Dog helped?/

/Big dog. Belongs to other human female./

Erik pushes Raven toward Rory. /Straight back to the kittens. Stay with them. Tell Charles to come to me./

/Will do./

Erik watches the moggie pick the kitten up and lope away; and then he waits, still smelling the dog in the area, still nervous - until he hears Charles moving to his side, and then he permits himself to relax, if only a little. /The kittens?/

/Are all right. We have all of them now. And I have asked John to watch over the others in our place./

/I would have asked you to stay back, but I feel better with you here./

That gets him an affectionate nip on his ear. /And I you./

Erik’s about to reply, but then there is a loud bark from outside.

//The kitten?//

Charles yowls back. /Safe./

Erik looks between the closed door and the smaller Siamese beside him. /You know the dog?/

/I have met him. He knows of us, and of the kittens. I think he has appointed himself our guardian./

/And when were you planning to tell me?/

/I am sorry, Erik./ Charles droops a little. /I hoped we would not have to call on him; I hoped we would be sufficient to look after the others./

/We are. But clearly you are right to have help outside this place. I only wish you’d explained./

/I won’t hide anything again./

Erik bats at his ear with a paw. /See that you don’t. Now if there is no more excitement for tonight, let us go back to the others./

The kittens clamor around them and Erik listens with half an ear as Charles scolds Raven; Rory looks everyone over, including Sherlock and John, and then leads Amy off to their basket.

The next night, the cats’ rest is disturbed by something that makes a strange wheezing sound, like vworp vworp, but that is another story for the cats to tell, another day.

characters, charles/erik, link, x-men first class, crossover, fic, fannishness, au, oops, doctor who, fun, sherlock, challenge

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