
Jul 08, 2011 22:46

Five questions meme from lelek, from here.

1. How long ago did you first discover Takarazuka and are you still keen on the fandom? Why/why not?

I fell into Takarazuka in late 2008, I think? I was on a brief Rose of Versailles kick, I think because of TVTropes, and it was mostly inevitable that I would find the Zuka adaptations on YT. By fortuitous choice the one that I first found was the Sora Fersen/Marie Antoinette production, specifically the parade where Mizu is Andre and Saeko is Oscar. That's how Sora became my main troupe because, really, how could I not fall in love with Wao and O-Hana and Mizu and everyone?

I am keen on certain OGs and I am also still following the fortunes of Ranju and of Tomochin and of Kitarou and of Teru - but I'm not really in the fandom itself any more. Too much drama, too much hierarchy, wtf is that, I never got over it. I took myself out of the equation for my own good.

2. Do you have a Doctor? You know, the one you feel most attached to, no matter how much you love the others. If so, which one?

I certainly do. My Doctor is still Nine [Eccleston]. I think I'll never get over how badly haunted he was. He was the Doctor who carried a fucking albatross, a dozen of them, hanging around his neck. He was the Doctor who had just come out of the Time War, he was the Doctor who walked away the last of his kind [that's what he thought].

I mean, I love Eleven to bits, he's walking such an amazing tightrope, but in a final choice between my two Doctors, Nine would win.

3. If you could visit any country, no budget or time restrictions, where would you go?

Japan. Always of course. But I wish I could go back in time to Japan and Tokyo during the WaoHana years.

4. What is your favorite film?

All-time favorite foreign film: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey was just so pitch-perfect in that role, and it's not every day I walk out of the theater weeping and be followed by my SO, to whom I have to offer a hanky as well. Best cautionary tale for love ever.

All-time favorite local film: Pisay. An affectionate look at the science/math-oriented high school that I attended for three years. What I love the most is that the academic life and the extra-curricular life are equally presented, and it really hammers the point home that the books and the grades are half the experience. Everything else is important, too.

5. If you had to eat one, and only one, type of cuisine (Japanese, Italian, etc.) for a year, what would you pick?

Korean. I have been known to make entire meals out of nothing but white rice and kimchi [and to refuse the offer of tuna to go with].

If you want to play, drop me a comment!

doctor who, recs, movie, fun, fannishness, meme

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