Mar 14, 2004 14:10
My journal now looks like I was home alone on the computer and did acid and then decided to change the colours of my journal. BUT THAT'S ALL NOT TRUE except for the part about being home alone on the computer and deciding to change the colours of my journal.
Anyway. Here is a very important public service announcement: well, you know my newspaper article? Yeah, it got edited to hell. So please do not think I write like that, and have faith in my unchanged writing abilities, and trust that I do not write like I just learned two-syllable words yesterday. And hopefully I never will.
Yay March breakkkkkfasttttt. I love the word breakfast, but eating breakfast is never as satisfying as the word itself suggests. Suggest is another nice word. "Suggest." awwww.
Well I guess I'll see most of you Tuesday nighttttt.