Life.. I'm IN YOU!

Jan 15, 2011 22:26


My name is Lis and i'm one of the many lost little lambs in the world.

I love my life for the most part but i wonder if this all there is.

If this is all i'll ever have or if something/someone will come into it and change the equation.

right now i'm on a steady even blacktop road. I miss the mountains and hills and airplanes that take me away to a new world.. to a new enviroment to be immersed in. To be completely lost and feel alive.

I miss that feeling. Of the panic of waking up in a bed not your own until you realize that you're not home.. that you're discovering and exploring and LIVING!

But i do love my life. I'm grateful to have what i have.. a paycheck, a roof over my head and great friends.

It's more than some have but that doesn't stop the want in me. The want to escape.. the want to be more than i am.. the want to find a soul out there that understands me and will one day be part of my life.

I just realized that the most i've written in a long time. I guess my muse felt like baring my soul. It feels good.


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