*sends massive hugs*

Apr 19, 2010 17:56

 I know.. i know.. where have i been?

Why did i try to flap my arms and fly off a building?

Too many questions ppl *laughs*

So, how have you all been?

I know that I've been a bad LJ friend and for that i apologize.

I've just been working and sleeping and sleeping and working and eating in between.

I'm pretty boring, i know.

I work at the WORLD FAMOUS Laugh Factory :D

I have to admit, i like it. The people are nice and i feel really grown up now.. not because i'm older or anything but because i feel like maybe i'm headed somewhere finally.

It was really frustrating when i was just at home doing nothing and now i kinda miss the days off because i could do nothing *laughs*

Well, that's my boring update.. OH! i forgot.. I met Hal Sparks one night.. he's sooo awesome :D Bha ha ha twitpic.com/1dk2yc

I hope that you forgive me for not posting alot but i've been lurking and commenting where i can.


update, work, life

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