Some Stuff I Wanted To Share

Nov 19, 2009 20:39

Hey Flist

*sends hugs*

I just wanted to share some pictures of my room and something special ;D

I decided to get off my ass and do something so here's what i did.

But before i do, i just wanted to tell you guys that No, i still not have found a job but i've applied to more than 100 *sighs* i hope that something will come of it soon. Keep humming for me *hugs*

Without further a do, here they are:

This is my big wall that i love. It's black and white and i seriously just adore it. It's better than i expected it to be :D

This is my door, my mobile with 1980 tarot cards on it, my hand painted desk and my window. I love this space now because its me

This is my footlocker. It was messy but i cleaned it. As you can see, i'm trying to read so i have my copy of Life's That Way by Mr. Jim Beaver on top of there :D

I moved my plastic shelves to the top of my regular ones so it's all in one place. It makes more sense.

This is my birthday ballon, still very much alive and floating. I'm surprised :D

This is my basket full of DVD's and CD's. It's my corner space where i have misc stuff

This was given to me by my bestest friend, B. It say's If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It. I finally got around to doing it

And this was a present from one of my best friends, Carrie. Christian Kane signed it and sealed it with a kiss and before you ask, NO, i have not kissed it :D

That's all for today. I just wanted to share everything with you because it's awesome.

If you have any news, please share

*blows kisses*

birthday, life, room, pics

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