I'm just a simple girl...

Oct 11, 2009 23:55

With that said.. it's almost my birthday.

I know, i know.... shameless plug on my part.

If you'd like to send me a card, real or e card or anything, that would make my birthday that much more special :D


Elisabeth A.
2434 Daly St
LA CA 90032

Things I Got/Getting: I got a year of LJ paid time from an amazing LJ friend. I was shocked and i cried. I never thought someone would be soo thoughtful and sweet. She's great :D. My best friend is going to make me a cake and take me bowling cause i'm super duper lame and that's what i wanted to do.. and do it with her parents cause they iz very cools :D

Things i'd like: Supernatural Season 4.. yeah, i know. I'm a bad fan, i still don't have a copy of it cause i'm running low on funds. As it is, might be homeless by New Years if i don't find a job so YAY!

RIsing Son, Comic 6, i'm missing this one. I have the first 5 and i'd like to have them all, i know i'm very very lame :D

Things I need: A job. God, it's not even funny. I've been praying and crying and going to interviews and applying to any freaking job i can find. And i'm not kidding with that one. So humm for me my flist, i don't ask for it alot but i'm scared.. I'm trying to be hopeful but i'm scared.

Things I want: A remote control for my tv. magnavox cd130mw8 i need the original one cause i have a TV/DVD combo tv and i cant play certain dvds with stupid ass double menus *sighs* yeah, it sucks.

a battery for my damn laptop *facepalm* i miss being mobile and not having to worry about staying plugged in all the time.

The other stuff is just whatever. Those are things i'd like and want and i need a job. I can always get these once i get my job and i'm hoping it will happen soon and if i'm lucky, before my birthday.


I love you all and i hope you're all safe, sound, and happy

birthday, flist, words

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