Desktop Love ;)

Jul 25, 2009 23:38

I was just showing this to a friend and i thought i'd show ya guys :D

I got an ObjectDock for my laptop and i LOVE IT

i went crazy and changed the icons and i have SOOOO many

Damn creativeelf , it's all her freaking fault :D

Click for details :D

Yes, i have NO life whatsoever so i've been downloading ALOT of stuffz for my laptop including wallpaper and stuff... i like it, it's fun. :D

I just caught up with Season 2 of Torchwood *cries* NOOOOO, Owen and Toshiko.. God, that's SOOO wrong. I have Children Of Earth (Series 3) and all 4 radio plays that i still have to get to.. OH, and i also grabbed the Star Trek AudioBook read by Zachary Quinto. Haven't watched the movie but i love Zachary's voice os i'm really looking forward to listening to it later :D

I wish i had my Zune so i could put everything in there but it looks like i'm not getting it back for a couple weeks *cries* I want my baby back.. DAMN UPS!!! DAMN YOU ZUNE REPAIR CENTER!! DAMN YOU HOLD FUCKING BUTTON OF DOOMM! *wibbles* sorry.

I'm applying for jobs and i got a letter today about taking a test for a County Job - Typist Clerk. Hopefully i will test well and maybe get in there *crosses fingers*

I've been applying like every single day on Craigslist cause it's the one place online that is ALWAYS updated. Do you guys know about any other resources? The more help, the better :D

I want to be off my damn ass :D

What else... hmmm.. i don't know, i'm boring. Ask me stuff.

dock, torchwood, icons, life, star trek, desktop, laptop

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