Sometimes I wish she wouldn't come when she's bitchy but I'm also happy she's coming. We watch all the SPN eppys together and discuss them afterwards. That's fun :)
OMMIGOOOOOOOOOOD I absolutely loveadore them! I seriously need some valium before I meet them lol
Right there with ya, the whole excitement and stuff xD
Oh my god, she loved it! So did I!!!!! I thought the last eppy was the best one ever!!! I had goosebumps :) And awww, Dean staying woth Sammy... so cute!
Yeah I read that... but hey; Jensen autograph! w0000000000t! xD I'm just so happy that he's going to be there :D This is the best Christmas present ever!!!
It's a crime they just cut when Dean was about to tell Sammy the secret! I was like: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES!!!!!!! How dare you, Eric? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYY???? jbcfafbawbfafzawa!!!!!!!! Stupid mcanwdubwubduwbubf!!!!!!
OMG 2 autographs from Jared, 1 from Jensen and 2 from Justin... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! lol
Seriously, I can't wait! Is it May already????????????
Gah, gotta go now. Need some sleep! Screw beauty sleep, it doesn't work anymore xD But I have to work tomorrow... Okies, so - toodles hun!!! See ya :D
that's cool.
So, are you staying with someone when you go?
I'm super duper excited
I'm glad that your SQUEEING.
I can't wait to meet all of you
But maybe someone else can stay with you! We can still meet up sweety :)
This is going to be so great!!!
I can't wait to meet you and the other guys! I had no idea that so many LJ people would attend xD
*joins the happy dance*
That's cool. i'm happy that you get to be with your mom and stuff.
Everybody LOVES the boys.
I can't wait to see you guys
Super excited
Sometimes I wish she wouldn't come when she's bitchy but I'm also happy she's coming. We watch all the SPN eppys together and discuss them afterwards. That's fun :)
OMMIGOOOOOOOOOOD I absolutely loveadore them! I seriously need some valium before I meet them lol
Right there with ya, the whole excitement and stuff xD
I know. My mom is the same way.
That's funny.
What did she think of the last ep?
Did you read the update for the post?
Why Jensen?
Yeah I read that... but hey; Jensen autograph! w0000000000t! xD I'm just so happy that he's going to be there :D This is the best Christmas present ever!!!
So what do you think about the last eppy?
I was SOOOO PISSED at the END.
I nearly Died. I screamed and my hands where in fist.
I know. OMG! 2 autographs from Jared and 1 from Jen and 2 from JUSTIN *drools*
OMG 2 autographs from Jared, 1 from Jensen and 2 from Justin... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! lol
Seriously, I can't wait!
Is it May already????????????
Gah, gotta go now. Need some sleep! Screw beauty sleep, it doesn't work anymore xD But I have to work tomorrow... Okies, so - toodles hun!!! See ya :D
That bastard *SCREAMS*
I know.
COme on May, Come to mama.
Sleep well. *giggles* you're going to sleep to go to work and i'm at work and heading home pretty SOON. *ROFL*
*huggles back*
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