F21 #17 Cancelled

Apr 26, 2010 19:52

F21 #16

personal feedback for ref ♥ (+45/0)
ilovesgspree feedback ♥ (+10/0)
sg_live_spree feedback
♥ (+19/0)
spreeparadize feedback
♥ (+2/0)
fashspreefb ♥ (+0/0)
spreeculturefb ♥ (+9/0)

Time to stock clothes again :D Sale items aplentyyyyyyyy!

Terms & Conditions
1. No payment = No order. Paid orders have priorities.
2. I do reserve the rights to cancel the spree if response isn't good and refunds will be made accordingly.
3. I will not be held responsible for any wrong/damaged items that the merchant has shipped over but I will double check the orders that I have entered in.
4. I will not be held responsible if the merchant has left out your item, but I will try to help you to get a refund.
5. Updates will be done via emails or/and on this post.
6. If there is any GST or extra charges, it will split by all participants in the spree.
7. Handling fee at 50cts. This handling fee is used to cover wrapping paper, bubblewrap, scotch tapes, or the travelling fee to the PO etc etc etc.
8. Pls note that some merchants(eg. F21) do not provide plastics, but I will use my own plastics/paper that I have recycled from everywhere to wrap the items still.
9. I am not liable for any lost mail cases
10. I reserve the rights to reject your order based on (11) (12) or your item is too expensive.
11. If you are impatient, rude & unreasonable (based on my discretion), I'll blacklist you immediately - I do not owe you a living.
12. Spree-ers who refused to top up or ask to top up on the spot or requested for different meet up places or expect me to make unnecessary accommodation to your convenience will be blacklisted from my future sprees.
13. I'll dispose your item if you failed to collect within one month upon sending the collection details.
14. Please join if you're comfortable with waiting & agree with the T&C

Forever21 / Heritage1981

Capping at:
USD 200 or 30 items
Accepting all apparels, no bulky items like bags/shoes. Light totes/flats are fine. If unsure, ask me okay!

Exchange rate:
USD1 = SGD1.43
Note: Shortage will be collected if ER appears to be higher.

Contact me at:
Mailing list: here

Payment mode:
POSB Savings 002881276
Only ATM/IB transfers & must be in before spree is closed.
ATM Transfers: If your payment is not reflected on my IB, I will not take in your orders. Please do keep your receipt as a ref.

Modes of collection:
Normal/Registered mail/Self-collection at AMK Ave 10 * open only for bulky items / at least < 2 items / frequent/nice spreers. Sorry, no stations & self-collection is based on my convenience.

Shipping details:
F21 - vPost - Me - You

Shipping cost:
Divided by units, subject to change & based on my discretion.

0.5 Unit: Light Accessories, Intimates
1 Unit: Light Tops/Tanks/Shorts, Wallets, Leggings, Heavy intimates.
1.5 Units: Heavy Tops/Tanks/Shorts, Light Pants, Light Dresses
2 Units: Heavy Dresses, Hoodies, Heavy Pants, Jeans, Leather Jackets

Payment details:
1st Payment: Collecting payment for items and estimated shipping costs
2nd Payment: Top-up for shipping/exchange rate, postage, handling fee(if you opt for postage)

Any refunds will be made towards the end of the spree, or excess will bring forward to 2nd payment.

Please round up! Eg. $10.688 = $10.69

Order Format:
Name/LJ Nick: lwl/Perhapsody
Email: perhapsody@gmail.com

Item #1
Item Name:
Alt. Item Name / URL / Colour / Size: DNB
Price in USD:

Item #2
Item Name:
Alt. Item Name / URL / Colour / Size: DNB
Price in USD:

Total Price in USD:
Total Price in SGD: [USD x 1.43] + [No of unit(s) x S$2] = [Total in SGD]

Transaction Details
Amount transferred:
IB Nick or ATM Trans Ref:
Bank account no:

Frozen comments = Order accepted.

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