Here are the first photos of Duino! I will make more photos today because it's the first day that the sun is actually shining! I will post those later. For now, these will do! :)
This is my room in our appartment... I put all my coloured clothes on the bed to make it a bit more colourful!
This is the side of my closet, with my hat and dressing gown.
My bed and my closet
My housemate tying her shoes in her room
Our living room...see, it's still all bare, so please send me cards or something! :)
Our kitchen
The table in the kitchen, with a bit of our mess on it
More of the kitchen.
And more of the kitchen!
The hallway.
This is where my uncle slept the night after we had arrived...poor guy! So sweet to bring us all the way here, and then he has to sleep on the floor! :p
My uncle's bed again
Yay! Fruit!
A view on the village
Clearly, the view will be GREAT once the sun shines! (Which is today, so I should go there again and take another picture). We can already see a bit of the sea here! :)
One of the school buildings...this is where some students and teachers sleep.
The school vans...We're allowed to drive these now, and I've actually managed to park one of them backwards! :)
This is where we eat everyday.
Well, that's it for now! More will follow soon!