Mar 24, 2005 16:24
let see, i had did alot this week so far. all start off with monday.
monday- okay, school was okay, got my science test back and stuff. 70:( oh man, nott good and well yeah you know. so, i had a clinic to help out, and i guess one of the girls didnt wanna catch for me because i was going to fast for them, so i felt wickked bad.=/ so i slowed down to like 2 miles per hour , like before i was throwing like half speed.. well, the clinic went well, worked on my new pitche to kelsey, i throw my fast, drop, change, and my new pitch called a "circle change" it was pretty neato:) :) ohh yes, then i came home, watched some television and i went to bed.
tuesday- school again was fine, its been going by so quickly and stuff, oh my goodness. took a test for mr. goldberg, and ive been searching on what to get kat for her birthday, and i havent found anything yet. so i'll find something soon as possible=p yupp, and so afterschool nothing much happened. the end of that.
wednesday- might have been best day.. i was so happyy i found my vocabulary book(dont worry that didnt make my day) after study, i had math, and i got a 98 on my chapter test..pretty niocee. and i had a pitching clinic and stuff. and one little girl, thought she was going to die if i threw a pitch to mhm..haha that was funny=D and after we had hitting, SAMMY EMMA KAT AND ANNIE WERE THERE=o oh man oh man!! and after kat and annie left, me sammy and emma, were having a blast outside in the snow, and were doing some softball cheerrs. mhm and emma well shes just a goofball. and sammy and i were doing to wigalow. yeah we KICK ULTRA BUM doing that dance. yeahh, well all i gotta say is that made my night=D wow sam and em tumi, you two are the best<3
today - not a bad day.. not a bad day at all..well, i need to call christopher and brittneylynn cause we need plans:) for something.. HAHA<3 haha i love you britt!
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