Apr 17, 2003 22:05
define your mood: crazy and mixed up
so tonight me and vaughan went to see anger managment. just the two of us. that is so crazy. i mean we do stuff in groups usually. and its just so weird that it wasnt in a group. and it made me feel ____ <- insert undesribable feeling there. its all so sureal. everything felt so unreal. like it wasnt happening. i dont know. i like him alot. it was so weird. i keep saying that. i cant explain how im feeling.
arg. i talk so much, yet i cant say like 2 words that i want to say. i tryed.....i couldnt though.
on a side note: my brother found this old doll of mine, and started playing with it. its a girl doll, and he anmed it artie.and he named the other one "t"..t isnt as funny as artie but artie was funny.