
Sep 13, 2004 19:09

well let me see nothing much has happend. o wait what am i saying yes somthing has haha. ok let me c how do i put this... hmm i was with my friend Suzanne how is 21 and Rachel how is 23 and Rob how is 20. well the night befor Rod was playing Rif Raf and at the end he thought it would be great to dress as a dominatrx (cant spell) so he panited wip lashes all over his body. now he had no problum getting the paint on but it was getting it off that he had truoble with haha. so after he was in the shower for like 3 mins he came in his room (thats where we were) and he asked "can i ask u guys a question" ok is what we said "have any of u ever washed a dog or a houres" yes is what i said "have any of u ever wanted to washe a hafe naked man" me and suzanne said yes "ok well then i need ur help" and Suzanne and Rachel both looked at me. i said "im not going in there by my self". so we all went in there to help him get the paint off (he had swim trunks on) i was sitting on the toulet but well i didnt really want to be in there. but then when they thought we were done i notesed paint that Suzanne and Rachel did not c. so i had to get it off. but that was not the really wired part. we were all laughting really loud and then Robs dad opened the door and he did not look at Suzanne or Rachel he look right at me. he was most likly thinking y is this little girl in the bathroom with my 20 year old son. Rob was just like Hi Dad. Suzanne was like i can explane as she was laughing. now Rob has one of thoes showers that have the shower thing that u can tack off and use it to wash his back its really hard for me to explain. haha. and he was being really stupid and got me wet. so hafl of my body was dry and the other was wet (not as fun as u would think). so after that we went out and got some burgers and ice cream. thats my fun weekend haha. love u all lots bye
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