
Jun 17, 2006 12:56

my summer has so far been rather eventful. granted, i have no job or responsibilities for school, so i haven't been extremely busy. however, i have done a lot thus far.

correction, i did have a 1 week class at the very begginning of the summer, but that has been over for about a month and a half. i should also mention the writing comptetency exam which is long over with as well.

other than that, i went to california for a week to see my friends that i met in japan, coral and danielle. it was a blast. chico, california is probably the most fantastic college town i have ever visited. we had a great time, but then one night danielle got super drunk and it was a whole bunch of drama that need not be fully described, but the point is that i left a week earlier than i had originally planned. i then visited my best friend diana in denver for five days. i went to the zoo, the museum, and the coor's brewery during my time there, and had a grand time.

after that vacation, i spent another week in muncie; i packed/moved stuff into storage, i hung out with friends, and i worked out a lot. it was mostly just swimming and biking.

for about the first week of june, i hung out in iowa. i visited a few friends in des moines, on the saturday of june 3, then i made my way up to humboldt and chilled with the family from sunday until friday. we had some good times. i spent some quality time with all of the nieces. claire and i went swimming at htown's bran new swimming pool, which is fantastic fyi. i really didn't hang out with many high school friends, which i sort of regret. i'm not going to be home for a really long time, and while i'm no longer attached to high school, i do like to see them once in a while. i saw all of the subway girls except one, but other than that, i saw absolutely no one from my class, except one bitchy girl working at the pool. either way, humboldt was a really great time, and i actually enjoyed my family rather much. unfortunately i was only able to see my sister amy once during the whole ordeal. it was the last time i'll see her before she has a baby too. in fact, in august i will be the only person in my family who does not have a child.

on friday, i went to cedar falls and hung out with the uni kids...brendon, diana, and l.t.d. diana was home from denver for the week as well, otherwise i honestly probably wouldn't have seen any of them. it was great to see them all. brendon and i didn't have any drama, except for one little tiff when he was trying to make me angry. l.t.d. was super fun. all in all, we had a good time, and i was really drunk.

saturday was dubuque. i heart dubuque. it's my favorite city in the world. i love the kids there. the dubuque kids. everyone was home for lance and laura's wedding. it was a fantastic experience. free beer, free food, free everything. the drunk bus picked us all up after the reception and hauled us downtown to the bars. we went home rather early, because we were all dying for mcdonald's, and we were super tired as well. in the morning, i made my merry way back to indiana. since then, i have still been moving things periodically, and i have been running errands here and there. i have also worked out a lot this week. go me!

now i'm getting the last of my items moved out of the house. i'm so excited to not live here anymore. i'm also really excited to work at camp this summer. it should be an amazing experience. eastern pennsylvania should be pretty special.

in other news, jason and i got a cat. it's actually his cat technically, but i'm falling for her a little. she's cute, but she's super noisy at night...argh. in the morning she cuddles with me though :)

tonight i'll be going to indy to hang out with amber jones. love her. i'm so excited.

so that's my summer. i'm really ready to leave muncie again. although, i'm really really really excited for grad school. at times, i regret the fact that i'll be in muncie for another year, but i'm also really excited. as everyone knows, i hate this city, but i'm just not ready to say goodbye to it forever, and what's another year? i'll meet tons of cool new people in my grad program and working at the multicultural center. i'll be the only ball state alumnus in the program, which may very well have its perks.

life overall is good for john right now :)
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