two of my friends did this so I will too since I'm cool like that.

Jun 22, 2010 17:38

1. NAME: Jasmine

2. AGE: 27

3. LOCATION: Evansville, Indiana

4. OCCUPATION: Full time student, full time mommy. That's all I can handle right now!

5. PARTNER: Brian. He's 27 and works for AT&T as a business end user care rep. Basically, answers calls for small businesses about their cell phones.

6. KIDS: Kiernan. She's 4 and is in preschool/daycare for the summer, starts headstart this fall. Since going to daycare, she's been a million times more outgoing at story time at the library and swimming at the Y. She will PLAY with other kids now! YAY!!!! And by "play" I don't just mean say "Hey, you do this while I do this"...they interact without her bossing their every move! lol
We are actively working on another. :)

7. SIBLINGS: 2 brothers...Jon is 24(just turned) and recently moved back in with our parents after breaking up with his long-term (8 years) girlfriend. He is currently dating a sweet 19 year old girl named Stormy and they both work full-time at the Forget-Me-Not where he is a server and she works in the kitchen. They are renovating a house they just bought and will be moving in together soon. Jon dropped out of high school because his ex was older and was done with school and she wouldn't work. So to support them, he quit school as a junior and got his GED. He plans to start college the fall of 2011 when he will be an independent student so he doesn't have to claim our parents' income for aid.
Jacob is 20 (21 in Sept) and lives in the "party house" or garage at our parents' house. His girlfriend is 18 and her name is Nichole. Jacob and Nichole both mooch off my parents and refuse to get jobs where they have to deal with money, groceries, or any kind of food. Jacob took 6 years to get a "certificate of participation" for high diploma.

8. PETS: Padme, our red almost 8 month old miniature dachshund puppy and Vader our just a little over year old HUGE tuxedo cat. We also have chickens but they currently are living at my Aunt's house until we can get the stupid coop built.

9. WHERE AND FOR WHAT DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL?: Oh boy. I attended USI in Evansville from Fall 01- Summer 03...Broke up with ex, got crazy, moved in with family in KY where I started MSU in the spring of 04. I attended MSU from 04-spring 06 when I had my daughter. I tried summer of 06 but broke my leg... Ended up giving up. We moved BACK to Evansville (for me...first time for them!) last summer and I took 2 summer classes at USI. I'm taking 12 hours this summer too and will be back in the regular swing of things this fall. At USI before I was majoring in radio/tv, poly sci, sociology. MSU I started out electronic media production (same as RTV) and sociology, switched to e media with a minor in women's studies. Now at USI I'm Soc/RTV but I'm switching it to secondary edu social sciences and maybe a major in RTV, maybe a minor...depends how much more work I gotta do! :)

10. PARENTS: My mom is Betty. She's 46. I never met my bio father but my dad for all relevant intents and purposes is Paul, 52. They're both pretty awesome most of the time although mom makes me crazy in moderate amounts. Paul I can spend time with ALL the time. Kiernan LOVES him too and just kind of tolerates mom. hahaha

11. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: reading, video games, tv, MUSIC, football, the critters? Dunno. I no longer have free time....
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