"The Controvery Survey"

Mar 15, 2010 19:20

Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Oh yeah that's a controversial question. sure.

Would you do meth if it was legalized?
no, my teeth look nice, thanks.

Abortion: for or against it?
I unequivocally think it should be legal in all circumstances. Period.

Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
only if it were a halfwit like Sarah Palin. I hate that woman. No, wait, she scares the shit out of me.

Do you believe in the death penalty?

Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Yep. And then regulate and tax it like cigarettes and alcohol. Actually, I think pot should be legal and cigarettes illegal. How do you like THEM apples? :D

Are you for or against premarital sex?
Yeah, I think the whole idea of marrying someone without knowing if they can rock your socks is stupid. No way would I encourage my kid to marry someone without testing the waters. :)

Do you believe in spanking your children?
In short, yes.

Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?

Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Wow, LOVE when controversy=overt racism. Why is it okay to hate that brown people are coming in but nobody says anything about all those white Canadians coming in, eh? :-p
In short, we were all immigrants at one time and place except for the native Americans so why get our panties in a wad because we've all but closed our borders to anyone not white, healthy, and educated...and people who aren't want to come in and work.

A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
I would not encourage my 12 year old to continue a pregnancy. A 12 year old's body is not normally fully equipped to handle a pregnancy and her chances of being drug into a c-section/induction are so much higher.... Just, no. I'd encourage an abortion. If she didn't want to terminate the pregnancy, I think I would want to adopt that baby and raise it as her brother/sister. A 12 year old doesn't need a child. BUT you bet your happy little ass that she'd be on some kind of birth control from then until she turned at LEAST 18 if I have to grind pills up in her applesauce and have some STRICT supervision too. Yikes. An accidental pregnancy can happen to anyone...but if it happens repeatedly to someone's child I think its child neglect.

Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Um, yeah. Years ago. Like before it began.

Should assisted suicide be illegal?

Do you believe in God?
Maybe. But probably not the same way you do. :-p

Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Hell, if I wouldn't go to jail for arson and I could save my family, pets, pictures and family heirlooms, I'd burn my house down for a million bucks. lol

Do you think you would make a better president?
I think Obama is doing a good job. :) 'Sides, I'm not old enough to be president. :)

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Eh, everyone who would read them already knows how I feel about most of these things anyway. :-p
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