
Oct 04, 2006 20:29

There are BUCKOS of pictures.

Brian and Kiernan... she was trying to tell her nana something I think.

Guess who just woke up?

THAT my friends, is my beautiful baby girl. :D

Somebody's a little tuckered out. :)

This is Kiernan's Aunt Jemima look. :D

Tina is holding Gavin. Tristan, Brian is holding Kiernan.

Tristan and Kiernan

Kiernan Gavin and Tristan. I forgot to get the redeye in that one. oh well.

Gavin's pissed. lol

About the best one we got. :)

The boys got up and Kiernan gave us a sorta smile...

There's the real thing! :D


Just be warned... she refused to open her eyes in almost every picture. Grrr. I wish my bathroom were bright enough to just turn the flash off.

She likes splashing. What almost 8 month old doesn't? :)

I like this picture. :)

Hah! Photoshopped flash. :D

Just washed that hair. :) We have to use Loreal kids now because her hair gets so tangly I can't brush it out with babyshampoo or babywash anymore. :(

Hehe Gotta love cropping. No baby girly bits to be seen. :)

Sort of a smile... :)


She wanted to lay down. She kept trying to so I drained the water almost all the way out and let her. :) She was really tired.

She was in there a LONG time. Pruny feet! :DD

This would have been almost perfect except the camera kept "processing" and when it took I was moving. Grrr. We need a new camera. :-p

There's her bathrobe! How cute is that?

This one was taken the last time we were up there... when Gavin was a few days old.

Glenda and Gavin. awwww. :)

And this... damn you Brian Sturgill... this was taken on Sunday I believe. While I slept so happily. You big turd. :-p

"and the body was only distingushable by the tattoo on the exposed leg..."

Out FREAKING cold. My natural hair too. Ooh La La.


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