Nov 19, 2008 15:47
PRECIOUS82689 (3:44:27 PM): whatever anyways go back to ur minion thing
Jlamb83 (3:44:39 PM): lol
Jlamb83 (3:44:40 PM): i am
Jlamb83 (3:44:41 PM): haha
PRECIOUS82689 (3:44:47 PM): kk
PRECIOUS82689 (3:44:48 PM): ttyl
Jlamb83 (3:44:50 PM): im picking up dropped runes
PRECIOUS82689 (3:45:04 PM): oh rune hunting, marvelous
Jlamb83 (3:45:19 PM): its not rune hunting
PRECIOUS82689 (3:45:21 PM): and after that we should go find the master gnomes and ask them for the key to the portal of jelly beans
Jlamb83 (3:45:23 PM): you can hunt for runes'
Jlamb83 (3:45:37 PM): fuck you
Jlamb83 (3:45:39 PM): ..
PRECIOUS82689 (3:45:40 PM): LMAO.
PRECIOUS82689 (3:45:43 PM): no thanks
Jlamb83 (3:45:54 PM): i have the cabbage portal i can use
Jlamb83 (3:45:57 PM): its really cool
Jlamb83 (3:45:59 PM):
PRECIOUS82689 (3:46:09 PM): see there is something equally lame
PRECIOUS82689 (3:46:19 PM): .... <3 go be a nerd i shant bother u
Jlamb83 (3:46:20 PM): ...
Jlamb83 (3:46:32 PM): limproots!!!!
Jlamb83 (3:46:33 PM): kk