Your Name: Molly
Your Birthday: May 22, 1986
Your Age: 21
Soldier's Name: Ryan
Soldier's Birthday: July 24, 1987
Soldier's Age: 20
Status: Dating
How long have you been together: 6-months
How long have you known each other: 2-years
Any Children: Just a doggy! Maggie May!
Military Branch: Army ROTC; Just graduated Airborne this past Friday; Pre-Med; Will be a lifer like his older brother!
What do you love most about your Soldier: Ry is wise beyond his years and has a wonderful way with words! I also admire his dedication, bravery, honesty & the fact that he is a good Catholic boy =) Butttttt he can party, too ;) Plus his eyes & smile are gorgeous and his laugh is contagious!
Have you read all the community rules: Backwards & forwards!
What can be done to make this community better: I like to make people laugh! I'm very random so I will do my best to make everyone smile!
With Maggie May!
After Ranger Challenge.
Out with some friends!
My sorority's Spring '07 formal♥