- Name: John Thomas McNamara IV
- Age: 15
- Location: Norwood, MA (ur birthplace!)
- Siblings: a little brother and a little sister. names: bro=emmett sis=delia
- Likes: acting, bitching at people, being awesomely awesome, dressing overtly preppy, perks.
- Dislikes: my job, my school, school in general, living in norwood, being nice
- Foods: erm... pesto is yummy...
- Do you have ass hair?: mhmmmm
- 10 Favorite Bands: nfg, the clash, led zeplin, the beatles, tdg, soty, white stripes, sublime, the ramones, and my fav band of the month: QUEEN!!!!!
- 10 Favorite Movies: the ring (cause when u watch it again it is really funny), and others. im too tired to type.
- 5 Favorite Books: i dont really enjoy reading. but if i HAD to pick.. harry potter, the hardy boys, absolutely absorbing bathroom reader, mad magazine, and.... playboy articles?
- Color walls: blue
- Lighting: track lighting. and floor lamp
- Sheets: erm... i dunno
- Pictures/walls: my dad is gay and wont let me put anything on my walls cause he "built" my room for me...
- Mirrors: none. cause im ugly. :[
- Why is your room amazing: cause it used to be the attic?
- Unique about your room: my bed is built in so i cant move it.
- POST [1] TO [10] PICTURES OF YOUR ROOM. i dont have a digital camera yet.
thar u go michelle. my application.