OOC || Permissions

Mar 30, 2030 01:20

CHARACTER NAME: Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (Ax/Phillip)
CHARACTER SERIES: Animorphs (Book #45; just before the start of #46)


Backtagging: This is fine by me as long as all parties are interested.
Threadhopping: With permission from other players this is fine! Most of Ax's transmissions to his cast-mates will probably be private, though.
Fourthwalling: Absolutely allowed! Ax will just assume it's an alternate reality or something like that.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Ax is more likely to BE offensive than be offended, and with Ax I really don't care/mind that much.


Hugging this character: Go for it! Ax is probably going to stand there awkwardly, or might possibly assume that you want his bod, bah-dee, hot bah-dee.
Kissing this character: You can try! If you're lucky he won't try to kiss back because he's probably a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, MESSY, WET kisser even if he would be tempted. I mean, LOOK AT THIS GUY. Do you really want to kiss someone that makes a face like THAT-- *points to icon* --on a regular basis?
Flirting with this character: This is fair game too! See his reaction to hugging and kissing and oh God I don't even know what else he might be untrained enough to do, but GOOD FLIRTING certainly wouldn't be it.
Fighting with this character: If you must! Poor Ax wouldn't know what was about to hit him. He might just have a total freak out or he might just stand there and not understand beyond THAT HURTS.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Minor injuries are okay! If it requires a cast or bed rest please check with me first!
Killing this character: WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL AX?! D: (No)
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Not applicable!

Warnings: Ax will probably suspect everyone of being a Yeerk infested controller until proven otherwise. He plays with sounds all the time. He comes across as deranged, or possibly someone that was repeatedly dropped on their head as a child. He is very straight forward in his way of speaking, and most importantly: Do not get anywhere in between this boy and cinnamon rolls (or any other food, just to be safe).

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