My Poppa is so intense.
So intense.
Christy Christy
BAM! There she goes. BAM!
Do you love me? Now that I can dance?
second cousin once removed and lemonade still life.
Guitar-pickin' man.
"I like you 'cause you're yellow."
It's the Jap
Pups! PUUUPPS! Pups.
He is from Alabama.
They call him Chief Plays-With-Bow. You know, because he is First Nations.
And he plays the cello (with a bow).
This is my father and he is amazing<3.
This is Tam-tam the Jew.
And this is Corey Justin Layton.
Major, Major-Bouck
Thank you.
Poppa Stone, Heat Stone, I think I love you.
pickles and cupcakes, yes yes oh yay?
M'a Bear? You have wa'me'on?
Dean Acheson and Alex Alvarez, alike in the fact that they are both better with last names.
Okay so is anyone from K-town please raise your hand.
Ferdinand Cyril Fitzpatrick, on leave from glorious battle, poses with his beloved sister Ernestine
Frances Fitzpatrick, soon to be Mrs. Frederick Wallace, and the local shopkeep, "George".
Isabel and August