fic: "Yours For The Taking" (Chris/Steve - PG13)

Jun 05, 2008 11:22

Title: "Yours For The Taking"
Authors: cammissbloom & woodsbaile_02
Characters/Pairings: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson
Word Count: 4,882
Disclaimers: We don't own these people, they own themselves. None of this ever happened and, alas, the couple is not real. None of this was meant as an offence to anyone. We're just pretending, folks.
Notes: Thanks dea_liberty for the beta! You did an amazing - and dare I say exausting? - job *hugs*
Summary: This is what happens when Chris is confronted with the truth: if he doesn't fight for Steve, someone else will.

"Yours For The Taking" @ spirit_boys

fic, steve/chris, woodsbaile_02, cammissbloom

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