
Jan 20, 2007 18:50

[42] Jared and Jensen Icons (The CW Winter 2007 TCA Press Tour Party - 19.01.07)



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jared, icons, jensen, supernatural

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moondropz January 20 2007, 21:12:14 UTC
OMG I loved these soo much! I took all of jensen's and a few of J2. Will credit when used-thanks so much ;-)


ilovemybaby January 21 2007, 14:20:31 UTC
I'm very glad you liked it! I was kinda unsure of this batch, so it's good to see people responding so well to it! =D

And you're welcome! ;)


moondropz January 21 2007, 17:38:47 UTC
You're joking right? These were awesome! *Pets new icons* ;-P


ilovemybaby January 21 2007, 18:14:38 UTC
Nah, not joking. I really was unsure about these ones.
I'm so glad to see people using them! ;)

*pets jensen*


moondropz January 21 2007, 18:18:02 UTC
Trust me-these were wonderful! *Pets Jensen too* *Dies* ;-P


ilovemybaby January 21 2007, 18:22:47 UTC
Thanks, sweetness! ♥


moondropz January 21 2007, 18:24:35 UTC
You're very welcome! I love icons(wish we could use all of them), but can't make them to save my life. LOL. I can picspam, but that's the extent of it ;-P Jensen picspams are ♥


ilovemybaby January 21 2007, 18:39:41 UTC
Oh well, as you can see, I can make icons, but not those full of textures and with a whole bunch of pictures in just that tiny space. I know what I can do, and I work with that, trying to improve with each batch. But I gotta say, it is heard to work when you only have 100x100 of space to use. XD

Oooowwww, but picspams are so much ♥! I don't think I've ever seen a picspam done by you, but if they have Jensen, I'm sure they are awesome ;)



moondropz January 21 2007, 18:44:26 UTC
It doesn't show-you made fabulous icons-and I would know as i can't even do the kind of talk about! And I appreciate the hard work you do on them-as well as all the others who feed my icon addiction ;-P
Well, I post in about 6 comms-mostly Jensen comms. I am a new picspammer-heee. But I have done several in the past few weeks. And I am working on several more to come. My latest addiction! And will be posting my newest one sometime today. If you'd like to friend you can see them all in my lj? I love new friends ;-)


ilovemybaby January 21 2007, 19:08:34 UTC
Awesome!! I'll friend you, then!

So, Jensen is your drug of choice, huh? You met him in Supernatural, or you knew him before that?



moondropz January 21 2007, 19:14:41 UTC
Yay! *Smishes you* Friends are ♥!!! I will friend you back ;-)
On Jensen-I watched him in DooL's-unknowingly when he was quite young(for all three years he was on!). I then watched him in DA and again didn't know it was the same man. Oopsy? LOL. Then caught him in SPN and fell hard. This was only a few months ago though(on SPN-I missed season one until it came out on dvd-which I got for my b-day). I then found out I had been watching him for years. Ha! But the love and squee started in SPN ;-) I love Jared, but he's a puppy in comparison-lmao! Jensen is ♥! *Off to friend you*!!!


ilovemybaby January 21 2007, 19:35:46 UTC
"I love Jared, but he's a puppy in comparison-lmao!"
LMFAO!! God, it really made me laugh out loud. XD

So you know him since DooL, huh? Woah. I know him since Dawson's Creek. Saw him there, feel in love, but had absolutely NO idea who he was. So time passed, I kinda forgot about it, and then I saw Supernatural and was like "OMG! HE'S THE GUY FROM DAWSON'S CREEK!" XD

I love both of them, Jared and Jensen, but Jensen's got that something, you know? Jared is pure love, pure fun, awesome guy, but Jen... Jen's something else. ♥


moondropz January 21 2007, 21:33:27 UTC
Hee, glad you enjoyed! I love commenting on my picspams ;-)
Yes, since DooL's-but just never connected the dots on that until wayyy later. Duh?! Bad fangirl, bad fangirl!
Oh yeah, Jensen has a bigger bulge. *Nods* ♥


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