I started my first job yesterday at Nestle Tollhouse. It went pretty well. I was a little embarassed though because my boss asked if I could mop the floor so I got the mop and started to mop or at least I tried too lol. My boss asked if I had ever mopped before and I was like nope, this is my first time...It's a little embarassing but all she said well theres a first time for everything LOL.
I've been kind of sick the past few days so I didnt go to school Monday or Tuesday. Tomorrow school is canceled because of the tropical storm thats coming so Yay for Humberto.I dont have to take my Polysci Exam.
Here is My TV schedule for this year
Monday: Chuck, Heroes
Tuesday: Reaper
Wednesday: Pushing Daisies, Gossip Girl
Friday : Ghost Whisperer, Las Vegas
sunday : Desperate Housewives
Posting Pics under the cut
Last Night with my Friends before college
Mandy Moore Concert