Jefe Bar

Jul 12, 2008 10:28

Yup, I got wasted last night lol. I went out with my brother and 2 of our friends. We didn't know where we could go to drink first since me and the two other girls, Jessica and Monica, are 19. My brother is 24. Then i remembered about El Patio...a mexican restaurant where i'm tight with a couple of the waiters and the mariachis or how ever you spell it. The place is famous for its blue margaritas that are strong as fuck. I had half a beer b4 we got there..there i had 2 blue margs...then we went to Jefe Bar..I had 2 coke/vodka...and then a long island iced tea. So knowing me..i'm a light weight..i was goneee last night lol. I remember dancing with the guy and I think i made out with him how embarassing though cus my brother was there but I was drunkkk so thats my excuse. I think his name is carl cus i checked my phone and thats the only name I don't recognize...i had lots of fun tho..considering we went to Jefe bar it was 18+and it wasn't that ghetto surprisingly lol. But of course I ended the night in the restroom...i think i puked but I don't remember illhave to ask jessica later...i kind of remember seeing another girl in the stall with us giving me water hahah im not sure..oh and this morning my brother told me he had to carry me from the car in the garage into the house upstairs and in my room lol he said i was heavy :( he also told me that when i was dancing wtih the guy he pinched me really hard LOL so protective hahah. He also said when we got home my mom was asleep on the couch and i think i was upstairs already but he wanted to hook up with monica and he kept telling my mom 'don't cock block me mom don't cock block' LMAO but thats pretty much the night...i woek up this morning with all my clothes on lol it was fun. ohhh and i'll post pictures later
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