May 16, 2008 18:45
i'm sooooo exhausted. I started working for my parents mom and helping my brother out with the restaruants. I started Tuesday went to go buy food for the restaurnsts but yesterday and today have been so exhausting. yesterday i woke up at 530am to drop off my mom at the airport and then i had to go buy for the restaurnat and take money from one restaurnant to the other. then around 930ish i left to go get an employee from the restaruant that is like an hour away from my house and take her home and had to wake up this morning at 7am to pick her up and take her to tha restarant. then i had to go to Sam's to buy stuff for the restaruant like to go boxes and and napkins that kind of stuff. Then went to go buy food and cheese and a bunch of shit. and my head is hurting now. i didn't think that it was this bad to run the restaurnat but i totally appreciate my brothre more and dislike my dad more. dumping all this on my brother while my dad jus goes get drunk all day. not cool.
lets see what else..oh yeah my fuckin migraines suck. last week i got one on friday afternoon then i got one saturday night an dmonday i owke up with a small headache and nauseous and monday mornig at 530am i got another migrain. the pain is unbearable. the throbbing is horrible. i seriiosuly want to jus like cut my head off when i get them. it suckssss. the one i ggot last friday made me throw up 6 times! heh i felt thin that day LOL but yeah my mom called my neurologist and he said she coudl take me in for some treatment. It was my first time i had an iv. they put it in the vein on the top of my hand and when the nurse like poked me w/ the needle i could nto stop bleeding lol. i got more nauseous looking at it. first they gave me an anti inflammatory medince and made me super nauseus and did calm my headache a little but nto all the way and so then they gavae me another one caled Depacon i think and its usually for those with Epplipsy but it worked on my headache.
i would hate to have an iv in my all the time. i totally feel more for my sister now. since she has Lupus which has caused her kidneys to fail so she has to go to dialysis 3 times a week and its even worse then what i had of course. one little iv in my hand compared to what she has in her chest and her arm. i really hope she can get a transplant soon. she doesnt deserve this...
well time to watch Ghost whisperer finale.....